Friday, July 30, 2010

Free Tip to conserve your water heater!

Here is a "free" tip to keep your water heater running in top shape and work at it's full capacity.   YOU can do this and save yourself a $100 plumber trip charge.


Chances are this is related to sediment build up. A "flush" of the water heater may be all that is required.

Follow these steps to flush your water heater:

CAUTION: The water is hot and there is danger of being scalded. Use caution and keep children and pets away from the area when flushing water heater.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

This book will change your life!


Some close friends of mine Kent and Kyle Healy, wrote this book several years ago about things that they felt would have been very helpful to learn in school that were never taught to them. Things like, learning work work hard, how to make money, be your own boss, deal honestly with others, making a good 1st impression and so forth. The amazing part is that they wrote this book in High School! These are simple ideas that can be implemented into your daily life and can benefit all ages.

My son (11 years old) and I, after reading this book, began to get some bolts of creativity rush through our brains. (Forgive me while a proud Dad gloats about his son). We came up with a landscape business that he could run, this summer. Instead of playing video games all day long, he committed to get up and make some money. In a very short period of time he had picked up several weekly clients and was making regular deposits into his bank account earning more per hour than most high school kids with a car. He had caught the bug and his business was off! Check out his blog at

We all want our kids/grand kids to become smarter and more successful than us. I personally believe if we could just teach our kids to work hard, then our job as parents is a success. This book is a must if you want to propel your kids and your life to the next level. Great job Kent and Kyle! This book has changed my son's destiny. What better gift could a parent receive?

Does money grow on trees?

By far my favorite aspect of Real Estate is passive or residual income. Our parents have taught us that money does not grow on trees. They are correct. It doesn't grow on trees, but it does grow on real estate. How would it be if each month you could look into your bank account (money tree) and money was deposited from someone else, but you had not worked that day? Isn't that what a money tree does? It grows each season and then you harvest the crop (money) when it's ripe.

I have a confession to make, if I were addicted to anything the closest thing I could come to is passive income. I love working hard to acquire the right piece of real estate that will consistently pay me each month regardless of how hard I am working. At times I feel guilty that someone is willing to work so hard to pay their rent or mortgage payment and I am able to collect that from them with little to no work. This is truly my "happy place" to create this kind of income. I want you to have this to.

It's not always rosy. At times, toilets break, rents come in late, pets make messes, but every job has it downsides. These are all issues that can be overcome with good management and a close eye on your investment. The reality is most tenants are great people and take great care of the place, while 1 of 10 is the problem tenant that everyone is telling their horror story about. I really enjoy my tenants, for the most part they are great families and have been very pleasant to deal with.

So kids tell your parents to plant their "Real Estate Trees" in the backyard and start making some passive income today!

Real estate is my passion. It is fun to look at homes and "dream" about what it would be like to live in this house or what if our kitchen looked like that? Today's buyer is looking for more and more ways to get information about real estate, but doesn't want to have to bother a real estate agent with questions when all they need is a little bit of information.

I have created this site to provide more education and "how to" guides to today's buyer & seller. The goal is to empower them when the time comes to purchase or sell their home. Education is the key + action is the key to making money in real estate. It also helps us eliminate fear. Let's be honest, it is scary buying a house. I have personally done it many times and it seems that each time I get butterflies in my stomach. We don't want to make a mistake, we want to get a good value, we want to make a good investment, will my family (wife) be happy in this home. These are all common thoughts that go through people's minds during a real estate transaction.

I hope that this blog will provide you with the tools that you will need to be successful when the time come to buy or sell your property. I hope to be part of this transaction. I love real estate so much sometimes I forget I am working. Enjoy the education, more to follow...

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Our 1st Investment! A decade ago.

Here is our 1st real estate purchase. Closed the deal in December of 2000. This catapulted my career and love for real estate. My wife and I purchased this home in Orange County, CA for just under $200/foot! We made $10K on our 1st deal and we never looked back!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

My 1st post

I have been inspired to create this blog to help educate and to create awareness to homeowners and landlords regarding the real estate environment. Over the last decade we have seen large swings in the real estate arena. Fortunes have been made and lost all in the last 10 years. Overall. I believe that real estate, whether it is your primary home or a rental can provide the safest and greatest investment for your future.

I hope to help educate, future and current homeowners, and investors become competent regarding their decisions towards home ownership. I hope you enjoy this and that it helps you feel empowered when the time comes for you to make the largest investment of your life.