Thursday, July 22, 2010

This book will change your life!


Some close friends of mine Kent and Kyle Healy, wrote this book several years ago about things that they felt would have been very helpful to learn in school that were never taught to them. Things like, learning work work hard, how to make money, be your own boss, deal honestly with others, making a good 1st impression and so forth. The amazing part is that they wrote this book in High School! These are simple ideas that can be implemented into your daily life and can benefit all ages.

My son (11 years old) and I, after reading this book, began to get some bolts of creativity rush through our brains. (Forgive me while a proud Dad gloats about his son). We came up with a landscape business that he could run, this summer. Instead of playing video games all day long, he committed to get up and make some money. In a very short period of time he had picked up several weekly clients and was making regular deposits into his bank account earning more per hour than most high school kids with a car. He had caught the bug and his business was off! Check out his blog at

We all want our kids/grand kids to become smarter and more successful than us. I personally believe if we could just teach our kids to work hard, then our job as parents is a success. This book is a must if you want to propel your kids and your life to the next level. Great job Kent and Kyle! This book has changed my son's destiny. What better gift could a parent receive?

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